Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Defend Marriage Equality Rights! Protest Tonight in Washington, DC

Join the International Socialist Organization as we raise our voices tonight in defense of marriage equality!

Protest starts at 8:30. Gather at the fountain in Dupont Circle.

For updates, join the Facebook group "Day of Decision on Prop 8 - DC."

The Associated Press reports:

The California Supreme Court has upheld a voter-approved ban on same-sex marriage, but it also decided that the estimated 18,000 gay couples who tied the knot before the law took effect will stay wed.

The decision Tuesday rejected an argument by gay rights activists that the ban revised the California constitution's equal protection clause to such a dramatic degree that it first needed the Legislature's approval.

The announcement of the decision caused outcry among a sea of demonstrators who had gathered in front of the San Francisco courthouse awaiting the ruling.

Read "Showdown in DC Over Marriage Equality" in the latest issue of Socialist Worker newspaper.

Gay, straight, black, white
Marriage is a civil right

Saturday, May 16, 2009

DC people ask Marion Barry to support Gay Marriage

From Derron (featured at 4:39)

"This is a video done by a D.C. blogger/vlogger that was done after the D.C. for Marriage meeting on Wednesday of Black people who stand against D.C. Council Member Marion Berry's anti-gay comments and who stand for Marriage Equality in Washington, D.C.! I am included twice in this video, once in the middle and again towards the end. Please share this video; just another way to dispel the myth that not all Black people are homophobic and that there wouldn't be this civil war that Berry speaks of!!!"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Why Lenin Still Matters

Featuring PAUL LeBLANC, author of Revolution, Democracy, Socialism: Selected Writings of Lenin (Pluto Press, 2008)

Saturday, May 16 at 3:00 pm
Sankofa Books, 2714 Georgia Ave., NW, Washington, DC

Sponsored by the DC branch of the ISO.
For more info, contact us at (202) 903-6906 or iso_district@yahoo.com

The theoretical and practical contributions of Russian socialist Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924) to generations of revolutionary working-class struggles have been among the most decisive and significant—and also among the most misunderstood and maligned.

Paul LeBlanc, activist and author, has played an important role in examining Lenin’s thought in the context of his historical role both in Russia and internationally in the lead up to and following the Russian Revolution of 1917. What are the key ideas in Lenin’s thought? Why and how do Lenin’s ideas matter today? What is the relationship of Lenin to the larger Marxist tradition? How has Lenin’s work shaped successive generations of radicals?

Suggested readings:

Lenin's Return

The Myth of Lenin's Elitism

Lenin's Theory of the Party

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Crisis and Change: Resistance in Latin America today

Sonia Umanzor, FMLN-DC (Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional)*
Brian Tierney, International Socialist Organization

Thurs., May 7 at 7pm

La Casa Church, 3166 Mt. Pleasant St NW, Washington, DC (Columbia Heights metro-Green line)

Contact: 202 903 6906 or iso_district@ yahoo.com

Sponsored by: the DC branch of the International Socialist Organization | www.isodc.blogspot. com | www.socialistworker .org

After years of severely repressive rule in El Salvador, Mauricio Funes of the Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN) won the country's presidency in March. This is a huge victory for the people of El Salvador and their decades-long, hard-fought struggle against the violent, right-wing ARENA party and their US-dictated neoliberal economic policies.

The FMLN's victory in El Salvador mirrors the leftward shift in Latin
America as a whole over the past few years -- in Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, Evo Morales' Bolivia, and so on. But the leftward tide has been met with major challenges in the form of right wing reaction and the severe repercussions of the global economic crisis. And while the election of Barack Obama has left many hopeful for a new era in US-Latin America relations, many questions remain. What are the implications of the change in El Salvador? Where is US imperialism in Latin America headed? What is next for the left in Latin America? How can activists, progressives and socialists organize in solidarity with struggles for liberation in Latin America?

Join the ISO for a panel discussion that will take on these questions and more.

*For identification purposes only


*Crisis y cambio: Resistencia en América Latina Hoy*

Sonia Umanzor, Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN)*
Brian Tierney, International Socialist Organization (ISO)

Jueves, 7 de Mayo a las 7pm

La Casa Church-3166 Mt. Pleasant St NW (Columbia Heights metro-linea verde)

Contacto: 202 903 6906 o iso_district@ yahoo.com | Traducción estará disponible

Patrocinado por: the DC branch of the International Socialist Organization |
www.obrerosocialist a.org | | www.isodc.blogspot. com